Emily Roshop
Age: 18
School: Gymnasium Cäcilienschule Oldenburg
Hobbies: Tennis and meeting friends
contacts: secgen@olmun.org,
My first OLMUN experience dates back to 2022, when I was a delegate in the HRC. I quickly absorbed the infamous 'OLMUN Spirit' and decided to take on more responsibility.
In 2023, I joined the Inner Circle and took on the role of Entertainment Manager and Trustperson. That year, I witnessed a different side of OLMUN, and I experienced the passion that the Inner Circle puts into OLMUN to make it as memorable as it was for me as a delegate.
Last year, I had the honour of being elected Deputy Secretary General, working alongside the previous Secretariat. During this time, I witnessed first-hand how OLMUN - or MUNs in general - provide a platform for everyone to engage in politics and international relations, as well as to pursue their own interests.
This year, I am grateful to be part of the Secretariat again as Secretary General. Since August 2024, we have all been working together to provide you with an amazing experience this June.
I am looking forward to meeting all of you this summer!