Emily Roshop

Age: 19
School: Gymnasium Cäcilienschule Oldenburg
Hobbies: swimming and building mechanical keyboards
contacts: secgen@olmun.org, philipp.bruhns@olmun.org

When I served as Chief of Staff for OLMUN 2023, I was thrilled to be part of such a successful event. I learned a great deal about the conference planning process and the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Furthermore, I am committed to continue this story of success for OLMUN 2024 and the years coming.

Prior to my involvement in OLMUN, I spent one year abroad in England. This experience gave me a unique perspective on the world and helped me developing a strong appreciation for different cultures. Therefore, I am even more excited to give students from many different countries from all over the world the opportunity to discuss how to navigate the future in our Model United Nations Conference.

I am delighted to lead this year’s conference together with the Secretariat, and am eager to provide a challenging but also rewarding experience for all participants. I believe that OLMUN is a great event to help the next generation develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

I look forward to meeting you all in June!

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