Sophia Patricia Bieling
Age: 18
School: Gymnasium Cäcilienschule Oldenburg
Hobbies: Piano and Guitar, sports, reading, meeting friends
My first OLMUN was in 2021, in which I participated as a delegate in the UNEP. Since I enjoyed it so very much, I decided to be a delegate again the following year, that time in the UN-Women committee. I actually think that I had even more fun the second time. My time as a delegate taught me a lot about speaking my mind and to be diplomatic and calm, even if a topic is very important to me. Therefore I thought it best for me to take on more responsibility for OLMUN.
That’s why I applied to be a chair for the last OLMUN 2023. I ended up being one of the two Chairs for the UNEP, a task that I enjoyed a lot. I loved working with participants from all around the world and to get the chance to be part of such interesting debates - this time from a very different perspective. I learned a lot about organisation and teamwork before and during the conference.
This year I am very excited to take upon the role of the President of the General Assembly to organise the OLMUN 2024 alongside my fellow members of the Secretariat!
I look forward to seeing you all very soon!