United Nations Human Rights Council

The United Nations Human Rights Council is a body of the United Nations that has been actively promoting and protecting human rights around the world since it superseded the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in 2006.

The Council is made up of 47 member states elected by the UN General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, with geographical representation in mind. It convenes triennially at its headquarters in Geneva. Each member serves a three-year period with a maximum of two consecutive terms. As of December 2022, 193 UN member states have served on the UNHRC. The Council also has a bureau, consisting of a president and four vice-presidents to represent each regional group.

Member states gather to discuss present issues within the scope of human rights, ranging from gender equality to human trafficking, terrorism, and education. In the process of discussing these issues, member states also aim to preserve what they establish and prevent the future emergence of the issues. Human rights violations are determined by The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. This document serves as a milestone in human history and as the basis for human rights globally, therefore serving as a guideline for the UNHRC.

As it is a pressing and vital factor in preserving human rights, in OLMUN 2024, the UNHRC is going to be discussing and debating securing the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

Topic at OLMUN 2024: Securing the Right of Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association

Our Presidents of the UN Human Rights Council:
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Maya Ece Önes
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Christopher Hoyer
Venue of the UNHRC
Herbartgymnasium Oldenburg

As one of Oldenburg's most central high schools, the Herbartgymnasium or HGO has always been part of OLMUN. This year the UNHRC will be located in an extended classroom.

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