United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

UN Women was established in 2010 as a dedicated entity to accelerate progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment. It was created to consolidate the efforts of various UN bodies focused on women’s issues, ensuring a unified and comprehensive approach to addressing gender disparities.

UN Women addresses critical challenges such as violence against women, economic inequality, and underrepresentation in leadership roles. It advocates for legal reforms, funds grassroots initiatives, and provides technical assistance to governments. Programs like HeForShe have mobilized global support for gender equality, engaging men and boys as allies in the fight against discrimination.

UN Women ensures that women’s voices are heard in all spheres of decision-making, and in this year’s topic the delegates will be focusing on enabling women’s voices to be heard in the Medical Community. These efforts and discussions contribute to building societies where women and girls can thrive without barriers,.

Topic at OLMUN 2025: Securing the Inclusivity of Women’s Health in Current and Future Research on Female Medication and Products

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